So while we are anxiously waiting to go to the doctor for the first time next week, this whole being pregnant thing has completely consumed me. My thoughts, my worries, my fears, my excitement. So many new emotions have risen to the surface, all while loving every minute. If I had to peg one symptom for the past couple of weeks it would be nausea, with being tired out of my mind coming in second. I wondered when the "Is this really happening?" would turn to "Ok this is really happening." And this past week, I think it has done just that. I get mixed reviews from people about their experiences in the first trimester, as far as being sick and what not. I have been lucky not to puke, but as soon as my feet hit the floor in the morning, I feel like I just stepped off a boat. Other than that, it's been so neat to read how big the baby is getting and what it's developing. I think I'm about 9 weeks, which makes BP the size of a medium olive and it's starting to move a little. It's eyelids are almost covering the eyes and I can feel my uterus getting hard. It's incredible.
We bought him/her a little UL onesie and I ordered some maternity clothes and some little owl booties, since I love owls, and so will BP. Among our battling over names, Adam and I did find some common ground on the bedding. Honestly, I don't think he'd care either way what bedding I choose, but the fact that he went crazy over this one just won me over. So if BP is a boy, here is his bedding:
Arrrgggg....I love it!
If BP is a girl, here's the bedding I know she'll love...
Seriously, every time I look at it, I fall in love with it all over again. And for the record, her name will not be Haley.
Adam's sister Erin is going to be gracious enough to give us her daughter's crib and dressers and they're a maple color and really cute. I know we don't find out for awhile, but I already can't wait to find out if there's a little prince or princess in there. I will update after our doctor's appointment Monday!